Even though I felt like progress was accelerating - I'm finding my
limits. Glad to be starting stationary bike and even tried a real bike
ride. Twisting my foot to get in, or most important- out- of my pedal
cleats is not happening properly. I'd say mostly me knee... but
strength is clearly an issue. No, or limited weight baring is my only
option at this point. If this crazy weather passes, I'll get back in
the pool!
I'm so happy to be pushing my limits further, and accept this message
of swollen knee and forced rest.
Acupuncture is part of my recovery- thanks to Steven @ Pacific Healing
Arts in Los Gatos and Raymond Himmel in Mill Valley when I make the
trek. Even more so Curtis Cramblett of Revolutions in Fitness Physical
Therapy, and his fellow P.T. Susan, for their ongoing care, hard work
& advice!