Because that is how I feel while on a bike! --Postings from SLaB (Strong, Light and Beautiful) women & men, on the bicycle and off. Let's go outside, ride, pollute less, be sustainable & live fully! www.iamSLaB.com
I think.
Kayak anybody?My favorite home salvage place! It's in trouble. If you can help find a new location, please send it to them!
I've recycled windows, doors and plumbing here by donating it. I've purchased all sorts of lumber, doors, and other creative items for my renovation needs.
Re-purpose, recycle... sustainable living!
Stay tuned as I learn to "sprout" beans, seeds & maybe even
reintroduce my sensitive system to nuts. It's a good thing I make lots
of collandars in my pottery creations!
Fuels - like gasoline, diesel, propane, heating oil
Heavy bottoms - like asphalt, bitumen, tar
Petrochemicals - used as a feedstock for many everyday products:
Crude oil is refined and used to make all these products:
In the French Polynesian Islands, this La Taha'a resort's work bike was a fantastic design! Housekeeping, room service, and landscapers all used them. Many had no pedals left, only the spindle, but employees didn't seem to mind!
Even though I felt like progress was accelerating - I'm finding my
limits. Glad to be starting stationary bike and even tried a real bike
ride. Twisting my foot to get in, or most important- out- of my pedal
cleats is not happening properly. I'd say mostly me knee... but
strength is clearly an issue. No, or limited weight baring is my only
option at this point. If this crazy weather passes, I'll get back in
the pool!
I'm so happy to be pushing my limits further, and accept this message
of swollen knee and forced rest.
Acupuncture is part of my recovery- thanks to Steven @ Pacific Healing
Arts in Los Gatos and Raymond Himmel in Mill Valley when I make the
trek. Even more so Curtis Cramblett of Revolutions in Fitness Physical
Therapy, and his fellow P.T. Susan, for their ongoing care, hard work
& advice!
October 15Thanks for your support!
Stanford Health Improvement Program “Bicycling Basics for Women’s Confidence and Comfort” 5:30-7:00 pm Contact Stanford’s HIP program to sign up. http://hip.stanford.edu/ or call 723-9649 (I’m teaching day one) - fee $30 for set.
I've had several experiences handing back trash through the car window. Makes a great impression - but I only do it at a safe intersection w/ lots of witnesses ;-).
1st goober threw entire cigarette box out window w/ plastic after he zoomed off in his safe powerful machine. Next denied they knew it fell out. Next had an interesting conversation w/ car full of male DeAnza College students after they threw food container out.
Another time I stayed parallel on hwy 85 next to a glamorous BMW diva that threw something out. All lanes were empty around us - so I engaged. She was gabbing on phone (pre law against) rolled her window down & I said -"You dropped something or threw something out your window"... she said "what?"... I repeated... she said "SO WHAT!" rolling her eyes... then up the window... then con't on cell. I figure she had to tell the person she was talking what just happened... I hope they scolded her as well.
My husband Terry has grabbed trash while riding and ridden all the way home with it - in the same vane. Usually cyclists are more sensitive - but race habits of tossing gu wrappers still occurs.
I find it incomprehensible - the urge to litter. Your CAR cleanliness is more important than your COMMUNITY or mine? Pshaw.
Now I ease down with my crutches - off soapbox - quietly being hopeful.