How could we help California with 50 million dollars? Could we give it to schools, educate teens on STD's and birth control? Give parents more resources and help - maybe daycare upgrades? I don't know, pick a cause. If you truly care about FAMILY... the aforementioned causes would be perfect! But why have opposing sides spend a min of $25 million each - to try and take away the simple rights of some.
My marriage is still my marriage - if Lisa and Lynn get married. I'm still in love with and loyal and bonded to my man. I hadn't realized I was privileged or elite, by the chance that I'm a woman - and happened to have fallen in love with the spirit, this person, who happens to be technically and by hormones, birth and body - a man. Weird how I have that right, but somebody else doesn't.
GREAT NEWS, the company I do work for, is an opposer (yes, and gave frigging money for it) of Prop 8. NO ON PROP 8 - and this time let it rest, and let's spend our money elsewhere. Geesch!

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