Bev and Terry pre-ride some of the "mtn. bike course" with our event schwag bags on our backs.
Bev starts bike portion of tri - after the brutal nasty mosh pit of a swim. By the way, took me about 2 minutes more to swim the swim, as it did to transition to the bike from the swim. Guess I predicted or attracted that to myself, by the previous blog regarding the darn wetsuit!
Ride starts by going under the finish line, so ignore the time - just notice I'm not smiling yet. It took about 20 minutes into the 9.7 mile ride for me to start singing to fellow riders. I loved this portion of the tri. Needed real single track or some technical though.
Afterwards at expo area relaxing to a band, trying to get rid of head-ache and rehydrate. This spectator took over my helmet area - and had the right idea!
Karen who kicked butt w/ a 1 hrs 16 min time, top 8 for our 40+ women's cat. Then me with 1 hour 28 minutes of stress, joy, exhaustion then celebration. Terry on right - waiting for his race the next day - he did the Olympic distance - and did fantastic - cutting a couple minutes off his last time in 2001 - at 2 hrs 46 min.
Did it, glad I accomplished it, very cool event, not sure I'll do it again. ;-)
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