Detective log: 05:13:2008
Crime: Suspective Murder by exhaustion case
File: See evidence below.
Time start: oh 5 hundred
End: 8:30ish
Acomplice: Sya, who is a no show
Plan: 5pm, Target rides with conspirator Terry to meet agents Chris & Camille at 5:15.
Climb: Montebello Rd. (2080 ft of gain, 5.11 miles)
Descend: Steven's Canyon trails.
Trick: Surprise "Target" with extra Bella Vista trail(s)
Supplies: run out

Target: 40 something year old,
admits to depletion of electrolytes from metals cleanse...
and lack of regular or long or steep workouts.

Geographical location: Montebello Open Space... and then some.
Somebody's computer states it was (only) 28ish miles...
I'm not certain I believe this...

Conspirators: Corn Dog, Chris, Terry

The last of the climbing... or was it?

Hmmm... suspicious character... is that Enervit you are eating?

Don't we look chummy... actually I look tall!
(and Corndog's suspender straps add interesting
thigh/hip shape...note to self!)

The SUMMIT! Or so I thought.
Looking South/East - at Ridge Vinyard on left

Descent starts with amazing single track into the sunset. Grass was back lit, and trails perfectly dusty. Fast and fun.

Corn Dog is wondering what took me so long...
light is fading... and the extra leg of Nature Trail and to
Pagemill seems to have taken it out of me.
The bumpy fast downhill on new mystery trail from Pagemill had me take a unplanned stop.
I adjusted my falling off glasses, my ill-adjusted shock (my fault)...
and washed down the large - very big - bug
that was in the wrong place at the same time as my open mouth. ;-)

Last picture other than one of my beer at Gumba's for quick recovery. All pictures are from my fancy phone... this one, and a few others... were taken WHILE RIDING!
The blurry photo captures how I felt riding at the moment!
It was darker than this image shows. I survived the ride... all 28(Really?) miles... but realize again... that 2 hours is my limit. Good to find out our limits. This may change after I replenish all the goodies that my cleanse took out... but for now... my friends (and foes) will have to realize that the ol' endurance Bev... is out of town for a while. But short fun ride Bev... is still local!
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