IMBA Ales and Trails event was a total success. Didn't have my camera, only my phone, so when I acquire the images from the 15 ladies we did skills drills with, and 13 that went for an adventurous bike ride on the trails - I'll post more. An exceptional group of ladies ranging from total beginner - never ridden a mtn. bike - to night riding experienced dirt riders and competitive roadies trying to convert to the dirt! Great attitudes and bravery and smiles!
Set up a SLaB Lounge area complete with comfy chairs and a carpet, was a nice shady rest spot! I LOVE BOYS! I can't thank my husband Terry, and Rob Connelly enough for their dedicated help on the trail and at the event site! Also, BOYS play and play and practice - see the images below of the creative competition that erupted. Boys will be boys, and can't help but smile at them!

The SLaB skills drill of doing the Limbo - soon was taken over by skilled extreme riders! They converted the limbo into a jump challenge. It was so entertaining and fun to watch. The last thing I packed in my truck before leaving at 6 that morning, was the limbo fence stakes & bamboo "bar".

Fantastic illustration of how boys will play - an inspiration to us women who think riding is to go out for a point "A" to "B" loop, when we might learn more from staying in one area and playing on our bikes to learn balance, compression and wheelie lifts etc. I was food deprived, sun dried and with only my iPhone camera and a beer at this point in the day. Big smiles all around!

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