Hello riders and those who'd like to start riding!
Winter is waning and our sunshine is lasting longer - this means our riding season is here!
STRONG, LIGHT and BEAUTIFUL has exciting new clinics and events on the calendar!
We've changed the format a little, focussing on clinics and events not membership. No charge to be a Strong, Light and Beautiful rider, simply attend an event (fee based or complimentary events), or purchase a jersey and/or merchandise, ride with us, and you are SLaB! (Website to reflect this by end of March).
We found that YES, mostly women need and want a group - a no pressure clinic, but there are men out there that haven't tried riding in years as well. Pass along these dates to those guys you know that are ready to get active on the trails, or haven't felt stable maybe on their road bikes, as attending these workshops help every type of rider improve their maneuverability on a bicycle!
We will continue to offer group rides as the Summer and daylight grow. We plan to join other clubs group rides and events and trail volunteer work throughout 2009.
There is still beautiful merchandise available. Jerseys, Arm Warmers, Vests, and discounts at local bike shops and some brand components/accessories. www.iamSLaB.com
SLaB has upped her game this year with the addition of 1 to 2 expert riders joining our clinics and events. These guys can share tricks and expertise from their racing days to mechanic abilities. You'll certainly learn a trick or two from them!
If you have taken a SLaB clinic before, this will review skills from Super Beginner clinics, then go a step further with more intermediate skills, experts on hand, and a ride to practice on, and have a little more physical challenge.
Skills Clinic and Ride - CUPERTINO, CA
Beginner/Beginner-Intermediate/and Intermediates!
Go thru basic skills & mechanical tips - 9-11a.m. $60pp
Then ride up the fire road to access Freemont Older's trails for on the trail assistance and testing out our new skills! 11:30-1:30pm.
Enervit bars and energy drinks provided. Bring snack and required to have water bottle or hydration system for ride. If you need a bike or want to try a full suspension or hard-tail GT, 3 mediums available first come first serve. County Parking Fee not included.
MAY 16
Super Beginner/Beginner clinic, CUPERTINO, CA, 9 a.m.-12:30. $50pp
Haven't ridden in years? Want more stability on your road or hybrid or mtn. bike? Learn balance, weight distribution, cornering, braking techniques to encourage you go ride more challenging trails and roads. Bikes available to use - limited sizes and qty.
County Parking Fee not included.
JUNE 13-14 (price will be group rates, a great deal! Weekend of a lot of fun!)
2 nights 2 days in DOWNIEVILLE, CA
Beg-Intermediate riders
Shuttles with expert riders to join us on rides. They will assist, coach and/or guide us for an enjoyable descent!
Yuba Expeditions Bike Shop http://yubaexpeditions.com/
Carriage House www.downievillecarriagehouse.com
I've had several experiences handing back trash through the car window. Makes a great impression - but I only do it at a safe intersection w/ lots of witnesses ;-).
1st goober threw entire cigarette box out window w/ plastic after he zoomed off in his safe powerful machine. Next denied they knew it fell out. Next had an interesting conversation w/ car full of male DeAnza College students after they threw food container out.
Another time I stayed parallel on hwy 85 next to a glamorous BMW diva that threw something out. All lanes were empty around us - so I engaged. She was gabbing on phone (pre law against) rolled her window down & I said -"You dropped something or threw something out your window"... she said "what?"... I repeated... she said "SO WHAT!" rolling her eyes... then up the window... then con't on cell. I figure she had to tell the person she was talking what just happened... I hope they scolded her as well.
My husband Terry has grabbed trash while riding and ridden all the way home with it - in the same vane. Usually cyclists are more sensitive - but race habits of tossing gu wrappers still occurs.
I find it incomprehensible - the urge to litter. Your CAR cleanliness is more important than your COMMUNITY or mine? Pshaw.
Now I ease down with my crutches - off soapbox - quietly being hopeful.