Yesterday I managed to see a fare amount of booth's and talk apparel and sponsors with a few vendors and product lines. I have a great bucket of images... that at this time I cannot upload from my camera to my laptop at Mcarren Airport. Yes... I'm packed up with a very heavy bag full of brochures and publications relating to anything bike or commute and transportation.
Some of my cool finds are listed below:
Small stretchy silvery dots, which you can put on your clothing or bike for commuting. They stay through a remarkable number of washes. Put on your spokes, helmet, where-ever.
(Primal Wear) Custom JERSEYS.
I really liked the product line of customizable kits from Primal wear, and the available designs they have now are super pretty, creative, but made overseas. Only downfall. I'll speak to 2 other jersey makers I chatted with, one that manufactured in the Czech Republic, the other in Mexico. Can't remember their names - but they were serious contendors along with Sugoi - for a custom cycling kit next year!
New Zealand Merino WOOL fabric/jerseys.
Doesn't hurt to have the adorable accent, but we stopped at this booth to chat with the kiwi for data on custom and semi-custom designs from New Zealand, made of this fab fabric. Wicks, is natural, or combined w/ a lycra for the sublimation customization process. Nice designs, nice fabric - soft, more sustainable. Not from China!
53x11 COFFEE:
Super cool coffee roasters with environment, advocacy, and cycling community in mind. SLaB may try to get sponsored by them for 09, we connected well.
Some interesting helmets nad helmet graphics, some very cool women's bike graphics, and some lame ones.
Luncheon was a smashing busting out the doors event. A fantastic turnout - and fantastic panel of inspirational women from all aspects of our industry. Take-aways from the panel discussion were: Be true to yourself, integrity in business, make goals, and get better at public speaking!
iZIP bikes and eBikes (Schwinn)
Electric bikes were the big trend. Get folks out of their cars any way you can! I took a shuttle to a "Bikes to commute" event at the Springs Preserve. An amazing natural preserve I didn't have time to tour, but was landscaped beautifully with native plants and desert scapes. Ed Begley Jr. Spoke, and folks tested the bikes. Mostly it was dealers asking about carrying the iZip product. My friends Larry Pizzi and Rob Kaplan were hosting the iZip event. I had met Ed Begley Jr. before at the Silicon Valley Green Fair, and was hoping to get another chance to converse. He may have remembered me - but I told him for sure I wanted to go for a bike ride with him and his wife! I also asked him for connections at Whole Foods... regarding the bike rack blogging and activism I'm trying to affect. He seemed sincere to get back in touch with us, to help on that matter!
I'll add photos later for these comments. Thanks for following along my interbike journey!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
More interbike sept 24 (yesterdays booth gawking)

So besides ending the day with seeing Lance Armstrong Cyclocross race (was it his first time?), and what looked like he had fun actually, I did get to see so many great booths, so here are a few photos of them. Women's jerseys from Germany, Guys who can custom make jerseys in Columbia, Crumpler bags from Australia. Crumpler also had fantastic crazy guerrilla marketing (well maybe not such guerrilla, but planned) by puttling printed toilet paper in all the stalls.
The Day ended at the show with a networking and launch gathering at Pedro's booth, for +3 - a VERY COOL website that helps sponsor us average joe athletes mile by mile, for what cause we choose. SLaB will very much sign onto this!
More today - have to run to breakfast!
Day 2 interbike - so much, plus Lance!

So there is too much to blog at 2 a.m. - but saw many very nice women's products. Lots of old friends, cool graphics, interesting bags, hydrasacks, helmets, jerseys, pogo sticks, yes, pogo sticks, and more. So I'll report on all the products later... but thought I'd share how my day ended. With a bus ride to the Cyclocross race... and LANCE ARMSTRONG deciding to show up and give this sport a try. Very fun. Good timing on my part, as the bus driver drove in, we could see him (Lance) at the Treck truck. So I boogied over w/ the small paparazzi group, and snapped a couple pre race, number pinning on shots. Then this incredibly blurry, didn't quite pan fast enough, no filter... as is.. image during the race. No - he did not win, couldn't even tell you who did or what place he was in. We were far away from the finish, but could hear some muffled MC in the distance. Was a great, long and tiring day. Topped off by friends driving here to say hi... from San Diego - today, to leave tomorrow. Crazy Vegas times.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Day 1 Interbike (yesterday's outdoor demo)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Checking in - checking out

Checking in tonight for Interbike...
and then checking everyone's products out!
In the spirit of our SLaB arm warmers with "On Your Left" printed on the right arm, and the left arm saying "Zero Emissions"... with the disclaimer "except that burrito I ate at lunch" I bring you this comic strip my honey spotted.
I'll be offsetting my carbon emissions with a TerraPass and being sure to pursue sustainable products at each booth. Stay tuned, as I'll be sure to blog each day about the show, and if I'm super savvey, even upload from my iPhone on the spot!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Group Ride- Cadence Workout Group

Pete, Terry, Walter, Mayo, Bev and Nadine
Sunday was yet another stunning day in California, and we spent the afternoon at Saratoga Gap. As Walter said (with Holland accent), it's WORLD CLASS nice! We had a group from the office of Cadence' Design's corporate gym (Club One a.m. fit class) that wanted to go for an excursion, outside, on the dirt! Two beginner ladies, me, my honey Terry, and Walter with their physical trainer; workout guru, spin instructin'- Pete!
Both gals don't have bikes, (one has a 15yr old number that is not up to speed), so we brought our GT demo bikes. It is so great to be able to get folks out on "real" bikes, or up-to-date mountain bikes so they can see what they'd like to invest in, and have a great first ride experience.

Speaking of first trail rides, I was super impressed with all of their abilities to brave some rocky terrain. Mayo and Nadine made it down steeps, over rocks and on loose gravel corners. Even Walter admitted normally he might walk down to get past a super technical section, and was happy for the do-over mentality, to improve skills, and start clearing sections to dismount the bike less often. He did fantastic, and was a natural. Now if only I could get him to keep his helmet on! (don't worry, while riding on the trail - it was, but relunctantly was on flat fireroads).

Nadine and Bev, happy bikers.
The entire album from the day is posted on - photo page at the bottom!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Outdoor Industries Women's Coalition

This is an ad I designed for the OIWC group's events at Interbike next week. At the 11th, and I mean 11th hour... I needed to reformat this, I like this one better! Anyhow been prepping cycling clients and myself for Vegas next week - and am looking forward to seeing lots of old friends, and checking out women's products, and seeking sponsors for SLAB for 09!
Still have space to share and split some costs - but get to stay in the best room ever with fresh air and a balcony at Venetian - so come join me in Vegas!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Commuting update - lockers rock!

This is the way to treat an employee bike commuter though... gorgeous bike lockers, and plenty of them! at least capacity for 24 bikes, protected from the elements. Two per bin, cleverly divided w/ a diagonal board so your bike backs in with ease. Room for the front wheel and handle bars to turn perpendicular and steady the bike, taking a shorter footprint space.
The Best!
Oh... and saw my fellow Webcor racer dude this morning! Turns out he buys a baguette and continues down that side of the road to either Petes, or the office park on the North Side - and leaves later than I usually do. I was running late today - so now I see why we've not been synchronized at the lights in a while!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Calling all numb nuts

You are the first to see these ads, SLaB connections run wide in the bike industry! Headlines like "Be nice to your naughty bits", "Calling all numb nuts", and "Your nether regions will thank you" are silly fun, and to the point of why bike riding is less interesting for some to try. This should help! An air pump!
I'm looking forward to testing, along with some lucky SLaB ladies - these ergonomic products.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Keeping score

My first year attending this event I was new to thinking of wine in 3 phases of tasting, I just liked it. Well it's score-sheet was a steep curve of okay --> to great. Each getting better, as I got buzzed.
This years score sheet was the topic of the end of the

night when I asked my husband if he was driving home, or I was. It was 2 a.m. and we had run out of most the wine - and were snacking on anything the hostess brought around. He said firmly "ME"... just look at the cards.
Well from an amateurs eye - one would think I drank 10 glasses to his 6, but actually I took only a sip from some, as I scored them as low as 6's all the way across - then dumped them in the lawn or containers provided. But I must say - I surely did drink more than usual - and to use the phrase I learned from the host of the party...
"Yesterday I borrowed fun from today"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
One week to Vegas!

Getting ready for 4 nights at Interbike Tradeshow in Vegas next week! I've been volunteering for the OIWC (Outdoor Industries Women's Coalition) for their events at the show. Mostly doing free graphic design - and giving input for the Luncheon event and Awards.
It's crunch time and I'm very much burning the candle at all ends. Between my contract at Apple, 2 other clients, and trying to get SLaB together for chatting with potential sponsors at the tradeshow - this OIWC work is happening at midnight.
If you are going or considering going, my honey can't join me, and I got a killer room (2 queens) at the Venetian that I'd love to split the costs with some rad Cycling woman! (room has balcony overlooking the Pool! "fresh" air in Vegas is hard to come by! Toss me a note if you are interested!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fantastic ride w/ Olympian, Pro's & friends!

commuter stalker
So I haven't seen my Webcor fellow commuter all week. Either I'm too early, or too late... timing is just off. I even rode yesterday in the outfit to turn heads! [Pink Helmet, Pink semi-clear (adaptalite) glasses, pink scarf, 5-'s style black and white short jacket over a nice pink T-shirt, jeans with cuffs rolled up, and cute w/ a heel black and white (clarks) sandals. Oh, and my zebra striped b/w purse like messenger bag]. Only head that was turned was "mad man" behind the mini-van, who is a bike hater I guess. I'll continue to try to get a picture of said racer dude... even if I leave early... and wait... like a stalker!
Speaking of stalking... I really am not a star struck groupie or stalker like it seems - regarding Jill Kintner and her GT team! But at the risk of seeming like it - I'm going to post a picture of her with Oprah, and silver medalist Mike Day - just to underline how lucky we are to be able to ride with her tonight! I watched the premier show, and the only glimpse of any cyclists was the march into the crowd to the stage, where it looked like Jill was holding the "BMX" sign. Michael Phelps took most the time - as was deserved. Either way- we are only 2 degree's of separation from Oprah now... that's not bad!

Tonight's ride weather should be mild, maybe chilly at the top of the ridge - but we'll have enough light for a group photo before - and lots of time to play on the single track! See you at 5:45 - riding at 6! (I don't think Oprah is coming... but I'll check w/ Jill to see if I can get Oprah to come to one of our clinics!)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Got honked at, while commuting today

(not a picture of me - but Amsterdam women who rock!)
Commuting to work (Apple) this morning, I was turning left from Eastbound Steven's Creek (6 lanes on my side, 10 total) onto DeAnza Blvd. Left-Arrow-Green-Light comes on, I push off, and hesitate a mili-second after first missing a good sandal/pedal connection. This irritated Mr. Suburban Mini Van up-tight man. He wails on his horn like I had held him up over 10 minutes.
I look over and express with a smile - holding my left hand out and sweeping it in indication of how much room we all had and said "WHAT? Not enough room? I could be a car you know?" - and made sure that all 9 lanes of West Bound Stvn's Creek and Northeast bound DeAnza stopped traffic could see me & Mr. Unhappy's "conversation".
I could have been an SUV in front of him... but no... a red beach cruiser w/ a basket... and it cramped his style. He had to stop at the next light on DeAnza. Tee hee hee.
Don't forget tomorrow's opportunity to ride w/ a pro, World Champ & Bronze Medal winner - Jill Kintner! Meet at Calabazas Shop beforehand for chat and autographs etc, or meet up at Saratoga Gap for the ride, 5:45 - rolling by 6.
Monday, September 8, 2008
THURSDAY group ride w/ Jill Kintner -Bronze Medalist!

We are so honored to have the opportunity to ride with Jill. She loves mountain biking on trails (World Champ actually) as well as her BMX success (Olympic Medal!). Come join us for a ride on the technical and fun trails of Saratoga Gap.
Mostly SLaB women - and some of their other halves - ahem - men, are coming to get autographs and ride. Please rsvp to Beverly at b e v c o @ m a c . c o m - so we know to expect you, and how many will show up!
Meet at 5:45, ready to ride at 6. I'll be arriving with Jill, as we leave Calabazas bike shop at 5:30, at Hwy 9 and Skyline/35.
See you then!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Another Successful Skills Clinic! Sept. 7th
Thank goodness we started early as the day got hotter each hour. 8 of us, mostly beginners, and all ages, played on our bikes for another SLaB skills clinic. We limbo'd, teeter-tottered, made switch-backs and ascended and descended in great simulations for future trail rides! THANKS LADIES, GREAT DAY!
More pictures from our day are on the photos page. Enjoy!

Joann, Laurel, Bev, Mandy, Lois, Rhonda, Kathy, Allison

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gonna get that guy to smile... dang it.

With that said... it seems that 9 times out of 10, when I approach a light, or road stop with a said club member, they never give me the time of day with a nod, smile or acknowledgment of a fellow cyclists. Sometimes I'm in full gear, high end bike and what-not. Others, like daily on my commute, I may be on my Mongoose Beach cruiser with a basket (for my Macchiato), and in my work clothes... maybe my highest-end (Pink) Giro helmet and Fancy sport glasses would be a hint that I might be a "real" cyclist in disguise?
This guy is going East on Stvns. Crk. to Stelling with me - at about 5 til 9 each morning. If he doesn't squeeze slowly through a Red light (so not cool for advocacy), or does the common, and I've done before... "fake-right 2 pedals-then left-then right-on-red" trick, to avoid waiting for a light... then he's right in front or next to me. I peer over, ready for a smile... and he stays eyes straight forward, crosses Stelling, and goes left on the cross walk to Whole Foods. (which by the way, he promptly takes his helmet off while waiting for the light to change)
This has gone on for 2 weeks, and I've seen him an average of 3-4x a week, same time and place.
I'll try to get a picture of him on Monday. In the mean time will pull out all the stops... like wearing a mask, funny glasses with a nose, something to see if he'll say hi to a fellow bike rider, and get over his "I-might-be-better" or "don't-have-time-for-you-more-petty-biking-people" attitude.
Feel free to send me ideas for breaking this guy into a laugh, getting the universal "nod" of "hey there fellow 2 wheeler", bringing him into community of cyclists- whether a pro racer (he certainly could be) or encouraging the average joe or jill into riding.
To be continued!
Friday, September 5, 2008

Announcing a skills clinic in Cupertino THIS SUNDAY, 8:30 in Cupertino. A small group, and we have room for more if you - or somebody you think might be interested in joining up.
about 3+ hours of practicing balance, positioning, straight line riding, corning, and obstacles. $40 non-members, $36 SLaB members.
see SLaB website's RIDE page for more information.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
NEWS: SLaB Skills Clinic Sept. 6 (or 7th), Jill coming!
We are close to having a group for a beginner skills clinic this weekend - if you know anybody or would like to join in, or repeat the clinic for more practice - please let us know!
Sept 6th, 8:30 a.m. at Freemont Older
(could easily move to Sunday if it is easier for the group)
Rumors have it that Jill will be in the area next week. We are hoping to have her join us for a Wednesday night ride! Details to come soon, but it is looking good!
Don't make plans for:
September 10th - after work - 5:30/45pm in Cupertino/Los Gatos/Santa Cruz mtn. area.
Fact is... get out of work early - so we can not run out of daylight!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Favorite Ride Tahoe's Rim to Flume trail

One of my top 3 rides TAHOE'S FLUME!
(Beverly & her sister Cathy take a break overlooking Lake Tahoe)
Labor Day Weekend Ride report!
It's hard to beat a beautiful, not-to-hot, not-too-cold, some wind, lots of sun, and a very long day on the Tahoe Rim trail to the Flume. Our 23+ mile ride included doubling back to descend to Tunnel Creek Road at the end. This direction provides little elevation gain - for more riding experience, less altitude oxygen deprivation!
Large rock challenges, smooth groomed trails littered with deep sand from all the dryness of the long rain-less season, and spectacular views filled the day. Some folks fell, even some fell in front of everybody attempting to go clean a switchback (ahem) and their "friends" took pictures before helping them out of the bush they were crushing and stuck in... (lots of laughs all round)... some scared with the exposed (what, you don't want to fall down the thousands of feet to the lake?) narrow and sandy portions of the trail, but in the end - we all had a fabulous time and we were all smiles! One minor mechanical (broken water bottle cage scratching one's leg), 99% of us had enough water and food, and we all survived to ride another day!
We had riders from Reno, Truckee, Carson City (who rode back to Carson City from the trail!), San Fran, Los Altos and Cupertino!
Stunning views distracted our group of 11 total, that rode various routes with a minimum of 4 riders together through-out the day. Left at 11 a.m., and were finally loading our bikes onto cars after 6. We planned for a slow pace, stopping, enjoying views and afterwards eating and drinking adult beverages! Boogied over to "Crosby's" aprés ride, for what tasted like the best burgers we've ever had, and the most deserved beer ever!
For more pics of the entire day, entire group, the trail and views, see:
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