So it was only Robin and I on last weeks Wednesday Night Ride - and a few others are threatening to join us next week! Shall we do Russian Ridge or Skeggs up on Skyline. Something closer towards the city? You can send me your requests!
"The Gap" as we call it - was scenic and lovely and multi challenged as I had remembered from my last visit there. Even though Robin is a beginner mountain bike rider - she did fabulous on her borrowed - GT demo bike I had for her.
We both determined - however - the first trail from the parking lot that rolls up and down parallel to Skyline Rd. is actually not beginner. There were lots of fun rock hazards buried perfectly on the trail, and one particular nasty switchback at the beginning. We both walked that one!

The trail then crosses Skyline to a gorgeous fireroad with some short single track connectors. The sun was low - and we found some fellow riders out to take our picture, Thank you Paul! Still couldn't resist taking the famous self portrait even with our luck of finding an on-trail photographer. We only saw a handful of other riders out. We left late at an after 7 take off time, but still made a great loop and returned before the last of the light disappeared.
See you next Wednesday?! - Join us for a SLaB group ride!
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